Question: 1 / 140

Who among the following is NOT required to report known or suspected cases of reportable diseases?

Physicians, dentists, and nurses

Laboratory directors

Any individual who knows of or suspects a reportable disease

Medical researchers

The correct answer is based on the specific legal and ethical responsibilities outlined for reporting known or suspected cases of reportable diseases. Medical researchers are typically not considered mandated reporters in the same way that healthcare providers and certain individuals in direct care roles are. Physicians, dentists, and nurses have a professional obligation to report cases of reportable diseases they encounter in their practice as part of ongoing public health initiatives aimed at disease surveillance and control. Similarly, laboratory directors are responsible for reporting positive findings of specific pathogens, as they play a crucial role in the diagnostic process. Any individual who knows of or suspects a reportable disease also has a responsibility to report it, as community awareness and involvement are vital for effective public health response. In contrast, while medical researchers may be aware of cases in their studies, they generally do not have the same direct obligation to report these cases unless they are also functioning in a clinical role or are required by specific study protocols that align with public health reporting. Therefore, they are less likely to be seen as mandated reporters when compared to the other professions listed.


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